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A break from the AFOs

Mariana Barreto

Updated: Sep 30, 2024

Are your child's feet tight?

A message we share over and over: you want to feed your child’s fascia with small movements so it can stay healthy and the feet can relax.

When your child is using the AFOs, these small movements are limited.

It is always a good idea to take a break from the AFOs* and invite some small movements. A simple way of doing this is adding sponges inside the shoes.

If your child is wearing AFO’s chances are that the shoes have enough space to add some sponges inside (without the AFOs).

We shared this idea with the parents in our facebook group and they immediately started sharing pictures of what they were doing and commenting about how relaxed their children looked.

What type of sponges?

We recommend different types of sponges and different densities (but not too firm).

Anything from soft dishwasher sponges, to make-up sponges and little pieces of memory foam. We like to alternate them and shift how we arrange them in the shoe.

A dedicated grandpa in our group made this for his granddaughter!

Give it a try! And combine this idea with the hammock we shared last week, and you will notice a huge difference in your child’s feet.

*to be honest, we are not fans of using AFOs. We had a whole conversation about this hot topic on our Facebook Group, you can watch the recording here.

We are always sharing ideas like this on our support group on Facebook Group. Join for free here!

Learn how to build a soft fascia roller, how to use it and where. Get our FREE video tutorial and start working on your child’s fascia to relax tight muscles.



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