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I am worried about my child’s legs

Mariana Barreto

Updated: Aug 21, 2024

I am worried about my child’s legs

This is one of the first concerns parents share with us during our free online discovery sessions.

“They are tight! They are rotated inwards, and the feet are pointed” parents say.

We understand the concerns about the legs. As therapists, before knowing what we know today, we were always paying special attention to the legs. But after all these years working with children with cerebral palsy and their families, and after understanding how the body works as a whole, the legs are no longer the priority in our approach*.

We had a whole live session in our Facebook Support Group on Facebook about the legs, where we shared key concepts, some ways to assess your child’s legs and great ideas to help develop them.

Here you have a sneak peek of it, you can watch the whole session in our group.

* Unless there is pain or some particular cases.

We are always sharing ideas like this on our support group on Facebook. Join for free here!

To start doing fascia therapy with your child, learn the first exercise to improve torso control here.

WeFlow’s tip for you

In the video we explained the relation between the torso and the legs. This is the reason why we recommend wearing the abdominal binder to help reduce the tone of the legs.



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